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Forbidden Passion: 19

They sat in the dine-in area of a snack shop in the neighbourhood. Yasmin was digging into her cup of ice cream, strawberry and vanilla flavour while Damola had bought small chops with fresh mango juice. He had suggested an eatery not far off from the neighbour but Yasmin had insisted on the snack shop close by. He didn’t fancy much junk food but then beggars have no choice. It was either he agreed or his visit would have been in vain. After showing up unannounced, this was the least he could do.

“So, the restaurant you work in is about to shut down?” 
He asked, picking a piece of samosa from the plastic plate it was served in.

“Hmmm,” she nodded. She took another scoop of the ice cream and shut her eyes briefly while savouring the taste and then open them.

“They should close down in two months or so.”

He watched her with keen interest while digesting the information she gave him.

“That must be so good.”

She quickly opened her eyes and gave him a quizzical look.

“The ice cream” He explained, pointing at her cup that is half empty. “I said it must be really good.”

“Oh” Came her reply with a smile before she quickly added. “I love ice cream. Especially strawberry and vanilla flavour.”

“I can see that.” Damola chuckled. “ You make me want to get one for myself already.”

“You should. Maybe get a smaller cup to try it out first if you are not too sure you would like it.”

He shook his head.

“I'm okay with this. He said pointing at his plate of snacks and glass of juice. “Anything more than this would be sugar overload.”

Yasmin smiled. He sounded like her parents or two of her eldest siblings. They were always talking about how excess sugar could destroy the body. But her immediate older brother was different. He would share all of her sweet snacks and drinks with her, sometimes his sharing was more like him snatching them away from her himself.

“So what are you going to do now?” 

Damola's question brought her back to the present. She had always considered this question herself but had not given it as much thought as she should.
She shrugged.

“I will start hunting for another job, I guess. Mostly media related. I studied mass communication in school.

He nodded, then regarded her for a moment before saying.

“Then you should come to my studio on Monday.”

Yasmin's eyes narrowed.

“You have a media house?” She asked even though it was just a studio he said.

“Something like that. But it is just a studio for now. Mainly entertainment.”

Yasmin nodded. She understood his explanation to mean. His studio was not a full-fledged broadcasting house yet because it was not licensed and there was no administrative part to it yet. She didn’t know if she should say a yes to his offer or not. It wasn't even like he was offering her a job. He only asked then she visited the studio. Even if he couldn't employ her, he knew someone who would but still she didn’t know what to say.

When he had been at her door about an hour ago, she didn’t even know they would be this engaging. She had just thought to indulge him this one outing, because a date seem too serious, to get him off her back. And yes she didn’t think it was right to invite him into the house since she was alone. But when he had suggested a place outside of the neighbourhood, she had kindly turned it down and it instead suggested this place. It was a very casual place and looked like somewhere one could waltz in wearing anything casual or not, which to be honest she liked because she didn’t feel like dressing up other than the simple pink polka dot lycra dress she was wearing. 

All she did was pick one of her veils. This one was soft black cotton and draped it over her head. Picked up her black purse for her phone, card and some cash. It was something her mother taught her. Always have some money with you even if the outing was not your idea. Assumptions could really make a fool of you. She slid her feet into a pair of black leather slippers. The distance between the snack shop from her house was walkable but he had insisted they use his car.

“I will think about it.” She finally said hoping he would leave it at that.

“There’s nothing to think about Yasmin. Just come and then decide." 

He said with amusement in his eyes. She thought she heard him cackle a little before asking. “So, what time is it going to be?”

Yasmin smile and thought for a second before answering.

“Afternoon. One or two pm.”

“Okay then. I will come to pick you up.”

She nodded and said thank you hoping she won't regret her decision. But then like he said she should just go and then decide later. When has checking something out before deciding been a crime? be continued.


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