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How it all started

I enjoy the good old feel of pen on paper. But I also love the flexibility that comes with typing straight away on my computer.
The thing is, the good old way comes with its limitations and the fact is, it will still need to go through the typing process for the end product to be ready for distribution to readers, be it a hard copy or a soft copy.

My first attempt at writing was in a twenty leaves notebook. I was in junior secondary school one (JSS 1). I had enjoyed all the story books I had consumed, why learning the English language and I wanted people to enjoy my stories too.

So, one day I said to my friends "I want to start writing." And they said "Alright." They were wondering how I was going to do it and if I was even serious about it. Those friends of mine became my first set of readers. My beta readers, you could say. 

The story I wrote was simple. It was a clichéd nollywood story about a girl who was always maltreated by her stepmother, she later met a Prince, fell in love. They got married and live happily everafter. A typical Cinderella story.

It wasn't a perfect story. The story in itself was a cliche and the repetition of some words were capable of inducing a headache. One very noticeable word I used constantly in the story was 'so'. It linked all my sentences. No sentence started without it. My friends and I had laughed while reading it. I had written it exactly the way I wouId tell stories by mouth.😂 Telling stories verbally that way sounded good but not in writing.

I look by back at that moment, right there, in that classroom, reading out that story to my classmates and I'm grateful for how far I've come. I'm not where I want to be yet but I know I'm headed in the right direction and I believe with God by my side everything is possible InshaAllah.

Fun fact: While I can no longer remember the title of that story, I remember using names like Sunshine and I think golden. What's my blog's colour theme now? 😄 I had no idea until now.

Me saying in Cal's voice ( From Manifest series) It’s all connected! 🤔


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