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The Window to the Soul

So I decided to dig out this old piece of mine from seven years ago on Facebook to share here.

I used to wonder why eye contact was that important. Why some people would read a direct eye contact as arrogance while some would see its avoidance as disrespectful or even term it suspicious

How did they even reach that conclusion? I for one, see eye contact as a vital part of communication but thing is, don’t over do it. A Prolonged eye contact can be quite uncomfortable for some people.

I once attended a criminology class as part of a general course required for my communication course. It was a one time class but I enjoyed that class so much that I wished that if I didn't major in it then it should have been made one of the minor course choice for Mass Communication just like Sociology and Political Science.

In that class I learnt that your physical features could determine if you are capable of commiting a certain crime or not. 
Months later I wanted to know more about the eye in particular and why they are called the windows to the soul. So I did a little research and came up with this short interesting write-up. 

Our eyes are the windows to our soul because they convey our inner feelings, thoughts, secrets to people. Whenever we are angry, happy, disturbed, our eyes reveal it, no matter how hard we try to conceal it.
There is a special type of communication known as 'eye gazing'. Eye gazing is a non verbal form of communication and has to do with making eye contact with a person or an animal. When we gaze deeply into the eyes of another person, we can see beyond their physical body and personality into their essence. The practice of eye gazing is an ancient practice found in both Hindu and Buddhist tantra as well as in the Sufi tradition. This practice is considered to be a path to enlightenment and a wonderful way to connect at the soul level.
The rules involve in eye gazing are:

•Do not speak.
•Look gently and deeply into the person's eyes.

Remember you are free to blink, itch, giggle but not allowed to look away from the person.
 In order to rap up my research I went around the school to know how people feel about eye gazing. As usual, due to individual differences I got different reactions and responses from people. Some told me the result of eye gazing is a feeling of discomfort and uneasiness. A group of people told me that they find it easier to communicate with their eyes and others simply told me they can't do it.
A lot of people avoid eye contact and the reason is fear. The fear of being open and vulnerable and fear of rejection and judgement.

Let me ask you this question.
Have you ever gazed at someone and the person gives you a quizzical look or asks if everything is okay?
Animals too do a lot of eye gazing. Hahahahaha! I'm serious o!! Have you ever thought for a moment why a cat would look at you and then run away or look at you and then move closer to you?!

Hmmmm! Interesting!!

You can find the original piece here👇


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