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The Thin Line

In life, I have come to realise there's a thin line between two extremes. Love and hate, Sanity and madness, good and evil, Life and death and how one tiny decision can flip you to the other side. Even the difference between days is just a second. Do you know that some minds can be so fickle? Or that the right choice of words could change even the most hard hearted. Balance, however important is not really what it is, equal. Balance in itself is a test because we spend our lives trying to create that natural balance in our lives.

Have you ever wondered how two people could see the same thing from different perspective? Like how being straightforward could be seen as being tactless and a diplomatic person tagged a cunny being. I have always wondered if people would rather be comforted by lies or face harsh truths. The truth could be a bitter pill to swallow, if it's not something we want to hear. Even if someone asks for an honest opinion, be careful it might just be a trap. Tell people the truth but gauge their reaction. Nothing is ever straight with we humans, because we are complex beings. Emotions, context could determine how a simple statement or question is interpreted.

Someone once told me, 'you are a better artist than a writer'. I took that to heart. I thought, that was a subtle way of calling me a bad writer. My drawing skill was good but I wasn't honing it like my writing. So, I concluded, she thought me a threat because she writes too.🤣 Looking at it now, maybe she was right. My skills rub off on each other. Only an artistic mind could paint vivid pictures with words.  I see myself as a storyteller first before anything else. Storytelling can take any form, sketches, words ( spoken and written), pictures, crafts. Just about anything.



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